Wednesday 27 November 2013

Day 4 - Hike from Sinaia to Poiana Regala (Prahova Valley) & return, followed by Sinaia to Brașov (by train)

I left my hotel at about 7:30 am and walked through Sinaia heading in the direction of Dimitrie Ghica Park and past the war cemetery. It had snowed a great deal during the night and the temperature had also dropped by quite a bit. I saw a few gritter lorries out and about and even some losing grip on the icy roads!


After walking up the steep road out of Sinaia and crossing the bridge (as I did yesterday), I headed deep into the forest wading through the deep snow. It wasn't long before I reached Poiana Regala where I climbed up the lookout post to look down over the valley of Sinaia, unfortunately the views were hidden by the thick mist. As I continued on my way passing some chalets, I had a few problems trying to locate the steps down towards the Prahova Valley, as everything was covered in deep snow. When eventually I did find the steps and clambered down I was greeted by three very large boisterous dogs, which nearly knocked me over! Soon two men appeared (one spoke a little English), and so I introduced myself and explained that I intended to hike to Caraiman Cabana. I got the impression they thought I was a little crazy with all the snow! They pointed me in the right direction, continuing along a dirt track before heading back into the forest.

 The Sinaia Monastery in Sinaia



Toboggans in Sinaia

Pine forests heading out of Sinaia

Pine forests heading out of Sinaia

Looking down over Sinaia - Poiana Regala

Looking down over Sinaia - Poiana Regala

Poiana Regala - Sinaia

Poiana Regala - Sinaia

After walking along the dirt track for a while (with the very friendly dogs in tow!), I then headed back into the forest and started climbing again. The snow was really deep and I wasn't entirely sure I was heading in the right direction as I saw no signs or markings. I decided to head back down and continued walking further along the dirt track for a while. As I reached the bend in the road, I came across a group of mountaineering rescue guides clearly in the middle of a training course! They confirmed I had headed in the right direction earlier, but told me it was too dangerous to continue and I would be better off taking public transport to Bușteni, and then hiking from there. After a little consideration I decided to take their advice and head back the way I came and back down to Sinaia. As I approached the chalets again I was greeted by the very boisterous dogs again, which were a bit of a hindrance as I tried to clamber back up the steps in the deep snow! It didn't seem to take too long to descend through the forest and back to Sinaia. I made it back into town by midday.

After some thought I decided I would catch a train to Brașov, and so I made my way to the train station where I was in luck as the next train was due to leave at 12:50 pm. I purchased a 2nd class ticket for 17.5 lei and had time for a coffee at the café on the platform, (with more friendly dogs hanging around!)

Sinaia Train Station

Sinaia Train Station

It was great to board the train and relax in a nice warm carriage as I was a little tired after my short hike. The views along the way were quite spectacular with the snow-capped mountains in the distance.

I arrived in Brașov at 2 pm and once outside the train station I spotted the #4 bus and quickly purchased a ticket from the nearby kiosk (2 lei) and jumped on board knowing it would take me to Parc Central. It wasn't long before I reached the centre and with my guide book at hand I soon found the Aro Hotel and paid 54 lei for a room (with shared bathroom). It wasn't the prettiest of rooms, but quite cheap for the centre of Brașov and the reception staff were all very friendly and accommodating.


I later headed off in search of a restaurant as I was really hungry. I decided to visit the restaurant called Gustari (near Black Church) as it had a good write up in my guide book. I ordered Ciorba Taraneasca de Vacuta (pork soup) which was very nice followed by a mixed grill with fries (extra) which was a little disappointing (and the meat was cold). The overall cost for the meal including a beer and a cappuccino was 55 lei.

Ciorba Taraneasca de Vacuta in Brașov

I spent the last hour of daylight walking around Brașov before heading back to my hotel with a caramel and vanilla covrigi, which was very tasty!

My plans for tomorrow are to catch a train to Zărnești and then hike all the way to Plaiul Foii.

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