Friday 29 November 2013

Day 6 - Hike from Plaiul Foii to Spre Virful in the Bucegi Mountains (& return), followed by a lift to Zărnești & finally a train to Brașov

I slept well during the night and was downstairs in the dining room area by 7:15 am, however I soon realised everybody else was still in bed! It wasn't until 8 am before the cook arrived and prepared my breakfast, which was another great feed. Sinziana soon appeared and we had a chat about my plans for the day. I was actually hoping to spend a few days hiking in the Bucegi Mountains but as the weather was quite bad I'd already decided just to hike as far as Spre Virful and return back to Plaul Foii and then catch the train back to Brașov.

Sinziana agreed to walk with me so far along the valley until we reached the path leading up to Spre Virful which was nice. Boris was with us & when it was time for Sinziana to head back, Boris was obviously keen to stick with me and keep me company!

Hiking from Plaiul Foii to Spre Virful

Hiking from Plaiul Foii to Spre Virful

It was quite a tough climb up through the forest, following the stream and wading in the deep snow. The last stretch as far as Ref Spirlea where there was a mountain hut was particular tough going with the snow as I lost my footing on a few occasions. I rested a while in the hut and sheltered from the strong blizzard which was bitterly cold. Boris didn't seem that bothered and seemed to be taking it all in his stride!

Hiking from Plaiul Foii to Spre Virful

Hiking from Plaiul Foii to Spre Virful

Boris! - Hiking from Plaiul Foii to Spre Virful

As I headed off again further up into the forest the snow became even deeper and the wind was really cold on my face, however it wasn't too steep so I continued further. I soon reached a narrow ridge where I was presented with some amazing views looking down into the forest and over to the mountains. Taking photographs was quite painful, as I could only take my gloves off for a few minutes at a time as it was so cold with the wind! I continued to walk further along the ridge, however Boris clearly knew it was the end of the line for him! I soon realised I would have to clamber up the rock face to continue and so I decided it was time for me to head back. I was more than happy with what I'd seen in a relatively short time. I did wonder how my surroundings would look in the summertime?

Hiking from Plaiul Foii to Spre Virful

Hiking from Plaiul Foii to Spre Virful

Hiking from Plaiul Foii to Spre Virful

Hiking from Plaiul Foii to Spre Virful

Hiking from Plaiul Foii to Spre Virful

Hiking from Plaiul Foii to Spre Virful

Hiking from Plaiul Foii to Spre Virful

Back at the mountain hut I cooked up some soup on my small stove, although I could have fired up the stove in the hut if I'd wanted too and if I could have been bothered to gather some wood! Boris was happy enough with some pastries I'd bought along! Soon it began to snow quite heavy and so I started to head back down, sliding on my backside along the way to the amusement of Boris!

Boris! - Hiking from Plaiul Foii to Spre Virful

It was clearly a lot quicker descending as I was back at the Cabana by 2:30 pm. Sinziana seemed quite impressed with what I'd achieved. Her dad, (the Everest veteran climber) also enquired on how far I'd reached! Later when I was eating another wonderful meal, a group of Romanian tourists arrived and before too long we were all watching and laughing along to Johnny English on the big TV!

Hiking from Plaiul Foii to Spre Virful (Looking back)

Plaiul Foii

Boris! - Plaiul Foii

At 4 pm, Sinziana and the cook very kindly took me into Zărnești. Whilst we were driving along I realised I'd actually walked quite far the previous day! I also had some much better views of Piatra Craiului this time as the skies were much clearer.

When we reached the train station, I said my goodbyes and thanked them for their kind hospitality. I purchased my ticket to Brașov (45 lei) and the train was due to depart at 5:10 pm.

I arrived in Brașov at 6 pm, and like clockwork I jumped on the #4 bus to Parc Central and then made my way back to the Aro Sport hotel. By 6:20 pm I was back in my original room!

I am not too sure of my plans for the morning other than to head further north!

*I was charged the sum of 140 lei for my stay at the Cabana which included 70 lei for the room and four meals including breakfast

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