Thursday 28 November 2013

Day 5 - Brașov to Zărnești (by train), followed by a hike to Plaiul Foii (12km)

I was up early again and I was hanging around Parc Central by about 5:15 am, hoping to catch sight of any bus that might take me to the train station! Sadly it wasn't to be and after about 15 minutes of waiting in the freezing cold I decided to walk over to the nearby taxis and asked how much it would be to take me to the train station. The driver seemed to want 10 lei and was unhappy with my initial offer of 6 lei, so we agreed on 8 lei!

On arrival at the train station I purchased my 2nd class ticket for Zărnești (4.5 lei). The train was due to leave at 6:10 am so I had time to grab a coffee at the railway café. It was quite busy, mostly with male workers drinking alcohol!

My train departed on time, and during the short 30 minute ride we stopped at many stations. It was clearly a popular commute to work with many male workers jumping off along the way, (a lot still drinking alcohol!)

I arrived in Zărnești at 6:50 am, and it was still dark and still very cold. I headed off into the centre of town and purchased some freshly baked covrigi, before struggling to find a café that was open. I did wander around aimlessly for a while before finding a small café which opened at 8 am. They had a coffee machine inside and it was great to sit down for a while and warm up a little. Some locals were already drinking alcohol at the bar!

After warming up a little, I headed off along Strada Baritiu before picking up the signs for Plaiul Foii (and paying a short visit to the lovely cemetery nearby). Soon I reached the Barsa Mare Valley which was really nice, even though the dirt track was a bit of a drag at times and also very icy in parts. A few drivers did pass me and offered a lift but I declined as I was happy to walk and soak up the views. There were plenty of shepherds with their sheep which made for some interesting photographs, although it was a shame Piatra Craiului was hidden most of the time with the mist.

 Cemetery in Zărnești

Hiking from Zărnești to Plaiul Foii in the Barsa Mare Valley

Hiking from Zărnești to Plaiul Foii in the Barsa Mare Valley

Hiking from Zărnești to Plaiul Foii in the Barsa Mare Valley

Hiking from Zărnești to Plaiul Foii in the Barsa Mare Valley

Hiking from Zărnești to Plaiul Foii in the Barsa Mare Valley
(Piatra Craiului in the distance)

Hiking from Zărnești to Plaiul Foii in the Barsa Mare Valley

After 3 hours of hiking I finally arrived at the Plaiul Foii Cabana only to be greeted by two workmen informing me it was closed for renovation! They suggested I walk a little further to find somewhere to stay for the night. It wasn't long before I arrived at the 7 Crai Cabana where I was greeted by a young lady by the name of Sinziana who spoke very good English. I was also greeted by her wonderful St. Bernard dog called Boris! Sinziana was somewhat surprised I was travelling on my own, and told me this time of the year it's normally just local tourists that visit her.

My room was wonderful, the best so far in Romania! The cook of the Cabana very kindly cooked me some soup followed by Schnitzel and chips which I devoured as I was incredibly hungry! So far there has been no mention of the price for my room or the food, but I am sure it will be reasonable.

After a little sleep in my room I decided to go for a small walk, with Boris at my side! It was great to fill my water bottles at the nearby stream with the freezing water. The views high above the forest were quite spectacular.

Plaiul Foii in the Barsa Mare Valley

Back at the Cabana I was later provided with another meal of steak and chips, all washed down with a beer. I later learned that Sinziana's father was once a great climber in his day, and had actually conquered Everest in the 1980's!

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